The charm of Japanese Ukiyo-e(浮世絵)artist Katsushika Hokusai
The world-famous ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai, "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji
- What is “Ukiyo-e”(浮世絵)-
“Ukiyo-e" (浮世絵)refers to a genre of Japanese art depicting the pleasures of everyday life, flourishing from the Edo to the Taisho periods. Literally meaning "pictures of the floating world ( 浮世絵 (憂世))," these artworks emerged as a celebration of joyful living in contrast to the hardships of the "ukiyo"(憂き世) or "sorrowful world.
These artworks featured subjects such as courtesans, actors, landscapes, popular entertainments, and significant events of the time. Beauty portraits and kabuki prints were akin to today's idol or celebrity bromide posters.
- Are you familiar with the Japanese ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai? -
Hokusai, a ukiyo-e artist from Japan's Edo period, lived about 300 years ago. He had a passion for drawing from a young age and became an apprentice at the age of 14, dedicating himself to his craft. However, he initially struggled to find success and made a living creating illustrations for theatrical books. His breakthrough came in his late 40s when his ukiyo-e prints gained popularity as illustrations, leading to numerous famous works until his passing.
- Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji -
One of his most famous works, "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji," is a collection of 46 pieces depicting Japan's iconic Mount Fuji from various angles and moods. At the time of its publication, he was already over 70 years old, making it a remarkable success that truly demonstrated late-blooming talent.
While titled "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji," the collection actually comprises 46 pieces.
Originally published in 36 printings as Thirty-Six Views of Mt. Fuji, the series was so popular that it went through multiple reprints, with 10 more printings added over time. As a result, a total of 46 prints with the title ``Thirty-Six Views'' were produced, creating a somewhat contradictory situation.
- Products featuring Katsushika Hokusai's "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji" available at Wa-in Japanese Handicrafts -
・Gold Leaf Mousepad - Ukiyoe Blue Wave
A compact mouse pad that's perfect for on-the-go use. With its collaboration of gold foil and ukiyo-e art, this small yet striking accessory adds a touch of glamour to your desk.
・"Furoshiki" Wrapping Cloth - Ukiyo-e South Wind, Clear Sky Navy Blue (48cm x48cm)
A furoshiki that can be used for various purposes. Among them, the ukiyo-e series stands out, perfect for those who want to incorporate Japanese style into their lives. Whether used as a handkerchief replacement in your bag, as a book cover, or for wrapping small items, adding Japanese ukiyo-e prints to your daily life can be a stylish accent.
・"Furoshiki" Wrapping Cloth - Ukiyo-e Namiura Fuji Beige (48cm x48cm)
・Money Clip Knife - UKIMON Damascus VG10 Core Steel
The money clip knife that’s perfect for the gift. Carefully crafted, the ukiyo-e art is intricately depicted down to the smallest detail. Plus, the Damascus pattern on the blade adds an extra touch of elegance.
Perfect as a gift or for your home.
why not incorporate Ukiyo-e into your daily life?
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