"Raden" Lacquer Coated Glass 70ml - Kaleidoscope Glass with Cherry Blossoms Pattern (blue)
Raden glass - Fusion of traditional and modern technology
Raden glass incorporates application of thinly-stripped abalone shells on the bottom of glassware finished with lacquer. Uniqueness of rainbow-coloured seashells and warmth of lacquer give an impression of luxury gem to a modern glass material. The glitter of Raden patterns creates a mysterious image, which will beautifully appear throughout the glass when you pour sake (or any kind of drinks).
What is Raden?
Raden is a prominent traditional craft technique that has been passed down since Japan’s ancient Tenpyo era (1500 years ago). Raden crafts utilise the rainbow-like glitter of abalone shells. The Raden craftsmen cut the part into as thin as 0.1mm with chisels and needles and create images of natural objects that will be attached to lacquerware.
This technique to produce the splendid Raden lacquerware represents Takaoka’s (Toyama prefecture) profound heritage of craftsmanship. Raden was designated as the national traditional crafts in 1975.